Howdy y'all! Here you'll find info & updates about our 2024 Underground Pop-Up Series! We have a lot of fun events planned from May to December and they all take place at 23 Taylor Ave in Manasquan, NJ. You can read more details about each event below:
August 1st: Thursday Night Takeover featuring ELECTRIX VINTAGE. Curated vintage clothing. 5pm -10pm.
August 8th: Thursday Night Takeover featuring CHAINSTITCH BY ERICA. Custom chainstitching made with an antique embroidery machine. 5pm -10pm. This is an ASL accessible event..
August 15th: Thursday Night SURFBOARD SALE EVENT & ASL (American Sign Language) Fundraiser! Used/retro/new boards, gear, merch, other boards, & more!!! Inside, outside, rain or shine! 5pm -10pm. We are also donating 10% of all shop sales towards the Ocean County College Sign Club. Shop sales include any items for sale by Rad Shirts. The surfboard vendor sales are not included in the fundraiser. This is an ASL accessible event.
August 22nd: Thursday Night Takeover featuring JERSEY COLLECTIVE. A collection of unique New Jersey items, including a sticker machine that features art from NJ artists! 5pm -10pm. This is an ASL accessible event.
August 29th: Thursday Night Takeover featuring SOUP CAN MAGAZINE "Art Show". Soup Can Magazine is a print publication that highlights art, poetry, music, and culture. Soup Can will be curating an art show and we will announce the artists as the event approaches. 5pm -10pm. This is an ASL accessible event.
September 2nd (Mon): Labor Day Sidewalk Sale. Rain or shine. In the event of rain, we will move the sale indoors.
November 29th, 30th, and December 1st (Fri, Sat, Sun): Black Friday & Weekend Sale.
December 21st, 22nd, 23rd (Sat, Sun, Mon): The X-Mas Sale.